Lake Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Treatment for Relief from Joint Pain

Ayurvedic Treatment for Relief from Joint Pain

The science of life, Ayurveda, holds all the secrets to various health concerns and cures for the human body.

The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda is based on the foundations of harmony and balance within the human body and between the body and its surrounding environment. According to Ayurveda, our body is a harmonious amalgamation of different parts that co-exist together, enabling us to participate in our day-to-day functioning. Our joints are the connections between two bones that facilitate this movement in our body. However, there are several factors that can cause severe problems and damage to our joints, resulting in the commonly found concern of joint pain, which can have a direct impact on our motion.

What Causes Joint Pain?

Ayurvedic understanding suggests that ailments in the body are caused due to an imbalance in the optimal levels of the three doshas or tridoshas: the Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. Any such imbalance can block the flow of prana (the life force) and affect the circulation of nutrients in the body. For example, joint pain can have several causes. Common causes of joint pain include physical injury, general wear and tear of the joints, or an underlying disease. According to Ayurveda, joint pain results from imbalanced Vata Dosha in our bodies. The Vata Dosha handles all the movements within our mind and body. It is also in charge of maintaining blood flow, evacuation of bodily wastes, and breathing. An imbalance in the optimal levels of the Vata Dosha is due to the accumulation of Ama, an undigested metabolic toxin created due to lowered metabolism. The excessive presence of Ama in our joints results in joint pain and stiffness. 


Common Symptoms and Signs of Joint Pain

Many of us may experience several kinds of joint pains, which often leads us to question what causes knee pain or what causes frozen shoulders in adults? Shoulder pain, ankle pain, and knee pain are all caused due to pain in the joints that facilitate movement in these body parts. Joint pain is a commonly found complaint in adults. Our hectic schedules and restless lives make us prone to several illnesses and bodily ailments. If you work long hours at a desk job, perform strenuous physical activities, or are simply in the later stages of life, you’re likely to be prone to joint pain. Joint redness, tenderness in the joints, limping, stiffness, weakness, or a visible loss of range of motion of the joint can be some of the common symptoms and signs of joint pain. Along with this, joint swelling or muscle cramps because of an injury or a sprain can also become plausible reasons for joint pain.



Problems Underlying Joint Pain

Underuse of joint muscles because of restricted or limited body movement or overuse such as heavy physical activity, sprains, or strains can cause joint pain. Along with that, viral infections too can make joint movement painful. Chronic joint pain can be a cause of concern as it can be caused due to arthritis. It is one of the most common causes of joint pain. Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes pain in the joints and the tissues surrounding the joints, gradually worsening with age. The two most commonly found types of arthritis among adults are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


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